
The Health Insurance Marketplaces

BEST Life is excited to be on 33 state health insurance marketplaces with ACA-certified stand-alone dental plans.

So whether you need dental coverage for child, teen, or even young adult – individuals, families or employer groups of any size – we’ve got you covered. Both on and off the exchange.

2025 ACA-Certified Dental Plans

Plans available through the Marketplace.

An in-network provider may reduce your cost sharing amount owed (see your schedule of benefits). Also, an in-network provider will not balance bill you for covered service charges that exceed your benefits under this policy. Your policy provides reasonable access to an in-network provider. You can find an in-network provider [here]. You may also contact BEST Life Customer Service at 1-800-433-0088 or at, Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm Pacific Time for assistance. If there is not an in-network provider within fifty (50) miles of your home or workplace, covered services from an out-of-network provider will be paid at the in-network provider benefit levels. Emergency palliative treatment services are also paid at the in-network provider benefit levels.

If you use a provider that is not in-network, they may bill you for all charges that exceed what is covered by your plan, or bill you the balance owed.

Most often your dentist will submit a claim for you. However, when you need to submit a claim yourself, just follow the simple instructions found on the Dental Claim Form or on your ID card. Claims should be submitted within twenty (20) days after a claim starts or as soon as reasonably possible. You can submit claims to, fax them to 208-893-5040 or mail them to:

BEST Life and Health Insurance Company

P.O. Box 890

Meridian, ID 83680-0890

For questions about a claim payment, contact BEST Life’s Customer Service at 800-433-0088 or at, Monday through Friday, 7 am to 5 pm Pacific Time.

An insurance company participating on the federal marketplace is required to provide a grace period of three (3) consecutive months to any enrollee receiving advance payments of the premium tax credit (“APTC”) that has previously paid at least one full month's premium during the benefit year.

The grace period for enrollees without APTC is one (1) month.

We will pay all appropriate claims for services rendered to such an enrollee during the first month of the three month grace period and will pend claims for services rendered to such an enrollee in the second and third months of the grace period.


A grace period is a number of days after premium is due during which premium will still be accepted and the policy will stay in force.

A pended claim is a claim for services that has been submitted but is not yet approved or denied.

A retroactive denial is the reversal of a previously paid claim, through which the enrollee then becomes responsible for payment.

Claims may be denied retroactively, even after the enrollee has obtained services from the provider, if all terms and conditions of the policy are not met.

Retroactive denials are avoidable. For example, claims pended during a grace period will be paid, if appropriate, according to the terms of the policy as long as premium is paid in full before the expiration of the policy grace period.

Recoupment of overpayments is the refund of a premium overpayment due to overbilling.

If you have overpaid premium due to overbilling, contact BEST Life customer service at 800-433-0088.

Your policy covers the least expensive care option that meets professionally recognized care standards. If you choose a more expensive care option when there is a less expensive care option, you are responsible for charges in excess of the less expensive care option. If clinical review criteria are used to determine whether a service is medically necessary, that clinical review criteria may be obtained by contacting us.

Predetermination is never required. It is sometimes recommended. Predetermination is a way to let members know how recommended services will be covered under their policy. Services that are not medically necessary or appropriate may not be covered at all.

Predetermination is not proposed for the following:

  • Covered Services costing less than $500
  • Emergency services, but some notice of care is requested
  • Oral examinations and prophylaxis

Predetermination is suggested for the following services for children up to nineteen (19) years of age:

  • Medically necessary services or supplies
  • Periodontal scaling and root planing
  • Dentures
  • Orthodontia, including preorthodontic treatment visit

Predetermination is recommended for the following services at any age:

  • Crowns, Anterior, except with posts or root canal
  • Crowns, 2 or more Posterior, except with posts or root canal
  • Inlays or Onlays, 2 or more, except with posts or root canal
  • Laminates
  • Anterior composites
  • 2 or more multiple surfaces
  • Bridges – initial or replacement
  • Eligible partial dentures – initial or replacement
  • Periodontal surgery costing more than $500
  • Full bony impactions, two (2) or more

Upon receipt of a request, we will complete the Predetermination and notify the member and their provider. We may take up to seventy-two (72) hours to complete and send an explanation of coverage for the proposed treatment. Only a licensed dentist can review, approve, deny or reduce benefits for a proposed course of treatment based on medical necessity.

An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is a statement explaining what medical treatments and/or services were paid for on their behalf. This is sent to an individual once the claim has been adjudicated and payment for coverage has been determined. It shows what the provider charged, what amount was allowed, what amount was paid by your plan and the amount, if any, that you owe to the provider.

Understanding your Explanation of Benefits.

Coordination of Benefits is the process of determining, when a person has more than one insurance policy providing benefits for the same service, which of the policies will have the primary responsibility of processing/paying a claim and the extent to which the other policies will contribute.



To enroll, please call 877.205.8767.